Jordanian Armed Forces airdrop aid to south Gaza


Published: 2024-09-26 17:54

Last Updated: 2024-09-26 18:06

Jordanian aid pallets parachuting down over the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Jordanian Armed Forces)
Jordanian aid pallets parachuting down over the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Jordanian Armed Forces)

The Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) airdropped today humanitarian and food aid to southern Gaza using a C-130 aircraft from the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

The airdrop included relief and humanitarian assistance to support the people of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict – the statement by the JAF said.

The Jordanian Armed Forces reaffirm their commitment to delivering humanitarian and medical aid through airdrops and ground convoys in cooperation with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) to help the people of Gaza.

Since the beginning of the “Israeli” assault on Gaza, the Jordanian Armed Forces have conducted 120 airdrops, along with 266 airdrops in coordination with partner countries – per the statement.