Jordanian citizens freed from Syria return home safely


Published: 2024-09-14 18:57

Last Updated: 2024-09-14 19:12

Jordanian citizens freed from Syria return home safely
Jordanian citizens freed from Syria return home safely

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced today, Saturday, the return of Jordanian citizens Maher Bashir Abdullah Al-Sufi and Mahmoud Sameeh Ahmed Oweida, who had been kidnapped in Syria.

The two were safely brought back to Jordan in coordination with Syrian authorities, who secured their release and facilitated their transfer to Jordan.

Spokesperson for the ministry, Ambassador Dr. Sufian Qudah, stated that the Jordanians, who were kidnapped in Syria over two weeks ago, have returned to Jordan following their release by Syrian authorities. The ministry expressed appreciation for the cooperation of Syrian authorities in ensuring their safe return, which was handled through official channels.

Ambassador Qudah noted that the ministry, through the Operations and Consular Affairs Directorate and the Jordanian Embassy in Damascus, coordinated with the relevant Syrian authorities throughout the search for the kidnapped citizens. The ministry maintained continuous communication with Syrian counterparts until the individuals were located and returned to Jordan.