Jordanian field hospital distributes aid to Gaza residents


Published: 2024-08-21 19:44

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 19:57

Jordanian field hospital distributes aid to Gaza residents
Jordanian field hospital distributes aid to Gaza residents

In line with the royal directives and as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan's efforts to assist the people of Gaza, the Jordanian Field Hospital in northern Gaza (79) distributed food aid on Wednesday. The aid was provided by the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO).

The commander of the hospital force stated, "Continuing the Hashemite efforts, which carry the highest meanings of love and peace for our people in the Gaza Strip, the field hospital teams distributed 300 relief packages containing food items to provide assistance and alleviate their suffering in the Al-Daraj, Sayyed Hashim, and Al-Salam neighborhoods, as well as the Tel Al-Hawa area."

He added that approximately 1,500 Palestinians will benefit from the packages provided by the Jordanian Field Hospital.

The people of Gaza expressed their gratitude and appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II for his continuous support and their pride in the Jordanian Armed Forces for their humanitarian, service, and medical roles.

It is worth noting that the Jordanian Field Hospital also distributed food and relief packages yesterday in the Old City of Gaza and the Dar Al-Mahabba Wal-Salam Association for People with Special Needs, affiliated with the Latin Convent Church. The hospital continues to provide medical and therapeutic services to the people in northern Gaza.