EU deploys 28 long-term observers for Jordan's parliamentary elections


Published: 2024-08-21 16:07

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 22:08

© EU EOM Jordan
© EU EOM Jordan

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) has deployed 28 long-term observers across Jordan ahead of the country's parliamentary elections on September 10, 2024.

The deployment follows a detailed briefing in Amman on Jordan’s electoral laws, political landscape, and other relevant topics.

Led by Chief Observer Zeljana Zovko, a Member of the European Parliament from Croatia, the mission aims to monitor the entire electoral process. Zovko is set to visit Jordan next week. Deputy Chief Observer Delphine Blanchet stated that the observers will cover all 12 Governorates, monitoring both urban and rural areas. Their duties will involve observing electoral activities before, during, and after the vote. The observers will also engage with electoral officials, candidates, civil society, and media representatives.

Closer to election day, 38 short-term observers will join the mission, bringing the total number of EU observers to over 100. These observers will come from EU member states, as well as from Canada, Norway, and Switzerland. Their responsibilities include overseeing voting, counting, and the tabulation of results.

Blanchet emphasized that the EU EOM's mission is based on a thorough analysis of the electoral process, guided by a methodology developed over two decades. The observers will focus on various aspects of the election, including the legal framework, election campaign activities, media conduct, and the resolution of disputes. The mission is committed to impartiality and will not interfere in the election process.

Following the election, the EU EOM will release a preliminary statement and remain in Jordan until the end of September. A final report, containing technical recommendations for future elections, will be published later.

The mission was invited by Jordan's Independent Election Commission and operates independently from EU institutions and member states, adhering to the principles of international election observation and Jordanian law.