Jordan dispatches new aid convoy to Gaza


Published: 2024-07-04 19:40

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 21:24

JHCO aid convoy heading to Gaza. (File photo)
JHCO aid convoy heading to Gaza. (File photo)

The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) announced the dispatch of a convoy consisting of 50 trucks by the Jordanian Armed Forces - Arab Army and the charity organization, in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP) and supported by various organizations and institutions.

The organization reported that the convoy carried essential food parcels, children's meals, medical supplies, and medications. These will be distributed through partner associations and organizations in the sector.

Dr. Hussein Al-Shibli, Secretary-General of JHCO, stated that Jordan's efforts to send and deliver diverse humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza continue.

He noted that the convoy was sent to north Gaza due to the severe shortages of food, medicine, and water. 

Al-Shibli said that the total number of land trucks that have entered Gaza to date is 2,424, in addition to 53 planes via Al-Arish.